For NTI Day #4, students will need to join their Trimester 3 Google Classrooms to access their wok. Students will find those invitations by going to classroom.google.com or check their GCHS Gmail account (mail.google.com). Invitations should be sent by Monday morning. If students are having issues joining their Google Classrooms, you may email their teachers or reach out to the school on Monday. We would like to thank all student, families, and staff for their patience and flexibility! Stay safe and warm tomorrow!

GCHS: Good afternoon! Trimester 3 starts tomorrow. Trimester 2 grades will be posted mid-week. Please check Infinite Campus Parent Portal on Wednesday for final grades. A one-text was sent last week with information on how to access IC. Students unsure of their T3 schedule should check IC.

Tomorrow, February 13, the online store to ordered a senior shirt closes. Senior names will be on the back of the shirt. All orders will be delivered to the HS. Mrs. Harned will make an announcement when those are available for pickup. https://kyvintagetees.com/collections/senior25

GCHS: Good morning. Students who have not been on Virtual wishing to go on Virtual for T3 (starting on Monday 2/17) have to attend a meeting at GCHS today @ 10:10, this afternoon @ 4:30, OR tomorrow @ 10:10 in the library.

Grayson County High School Archery Team earned 3079 in the Valentines Shootout held at Breckinridge County Middle School on Feb. 8.
Landon Johnson led the archers with 277. Johnson ranked first among 12th grade shooters and overall of the 113 boys at the tournament. Dax Lasley shot 269, taking second among 9th grade shooters and eighth overall. Brandon Hood shot 257, taking third among tenth grade boys and 20th of 113 shooters. Isaac Paul shot 256, earning fourth of tenth grade students and 22rd overall. Ethan House shot 255, taking third among 12th grade shooters and 23 overall.
Brooke McKinney shot 259, ranking second among 11th grade girls and 14th of 90 girls overall. Jana Dickerson shot 257, ranking second among 10th grade girls and 16th overall. Madison Overton shot 257, ranking third among 10th grade girls and 18th overall. Gracie McCombs shot 256, ranking third among 11th grade girls and 19th overall. Addy Porter shot 199, ranking 65 of the 90 girls competing at the tournament.
The teams are preparing for state tournament which will be held March 14-15. Their next tournament will be Feb. 15 at Butler County.

Senior shirt online store is live until Thursday, February 13. Shirts will have senior names on the back. All orders will be delivered to the high school. Mrs. Harned will announce when those are available for pickup.
https://kyvintagetees. you/collections/senior25

GCHS is excited to offer an AP Cyber: Networking course next year. Underclassmen are completing scheduling for next year over the next few weeks, so be certain to sign up for classes to prepare you towards this high demand career path. Students will not only learn about programming, but what makes the internet work. If you are looking for more information, please email jt.burns@grayson.kyschools.us.

2024-2025 Virtual Application for Trimester 3 @ GCHS If you plan on staying virtual or want to go virtual during the 3rd trimester of the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the application below!** ** If you plan on returning to in-person learning, you must also fill out the application**
**Requirements for virtual are listed on the application**

GCHS: Good morning! Please join us tonight for family/teacher conferences from 4:30-6:30. Counselors will be on hand for scheduling questions, learn about job shadowing and co-op opportunities, Dual Credit, and speak to teachers about your student. Hope to see you this evening!

Grayson County High School archery team scored 3031 points overall at the St. James 10/15 Meter Tournament on Jan. 24-25 in Elizabethtown.
Aiden Day led the boys team with 275 and first place among 11th grade boys. He was 14th of 241 high school boys at the tournament. Ethan Crawford shot 259 and was ranked 11th among 12th grade boys. Ethan House scored 258. Dax Lasley scored 257. Isaac Paul scored 250.
Madison Overton led the girls team with a score of 261 and ninth place among 10th grade girls. She was 34th of the 186 high school girls. Gracie McCombs shot 260 at the tournament, earning seventh place among 11th grade girls. Brooke McKinney shot 259 and earned eighth place among 11th grade girls. Jana Dickerson scored 227. Addy Porter scored 216.

Grayson County High School Archery team earned 3111 points in the Butler County Yuletide “Bow” nanza on Dec. 14. The team ranked eighth among high school teams at the tournament.
Aiden Day led the boys team with a score of 279. He ranked third among 11th grade boys and 14th of 365 boys at the competition.
Madison Overton led the girls team with a score of 276 and ranked first among 10th grade girls. She was 14 of the 314 girls competing in the tournament.
Top 5 Boys
Aiden Day, 279
Dax Lasley, 272
Ethan Crawford, 261
Jacob Huff, 260
Isaac Paul, 260
Top 5 Girls
Madison Overton, 276
Jana Dickerson, 272
Brooke McKinnley, 258
Gracie McCombs, 240
Addy Porter, 214

Winter formal tickets will go on sale this week, during 3rd period, for $15 each. If inviting a student that doesn't attend GCHS, a guest form must be completed and signed prior to purchasing tickets. Those forms are outside of Mrs. Harned's office.

GCHS: All Juniors are required to take the ACT on March 11th from 7:50-12:00 at GCHS.
Junior Demographics/chance to pick colleges to send ACT scores on March 6th from 7:50-9:00 at GCHS. If your child wants to choose colleges, this form has to be checked yes and submitted before March 6th. https://forms.gle/AwBE84rg1RBcyugj8 Thank you.

GCHS: We've had two great days back at school. This week is homecoming week and tomorrow is Twin Day. Coordinate an outfit with a friend and get in the Cougar Spirit!

2024-2025 Virtual Application for Trimester 3 @ GCHS If you plan on staying virtual or want to go virtual during the 3rd trimester of the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the application below!** ** If you plan on returning to in-person learning, you must also fill out the application** **Requirements for virtual are listed on the application**

Good afternoon Grayson County High School students. Tomorrow, January 10th will be our first NTI day. All student work for each class will be posted on Google Classroom. Virtual students should continue to work on Edgenuity. If you do not have Internet or a device, don’t panic we will have an opportunity for you to catch up when we are back in session. Teachers will be available during normal work hours from 8:00-11:00 and 12:00-2:30 to field questions via Google Classroom or email. Please encourage your students to complete the work and reach out to the school or their teachers if you need assistance.

GCHS Basketball Homecoming is January 17th against Whitesville Trinity.
Students please check your school email to vote for homecoming court. Homecoming court candidates will be announced Friday (January 10th) afternoon at school.
Voting will end Friday, January 10th @ 3:00 p.m.
**If we DO NOT have school on Friday (January 10th) we will contact homecoming court candidates individually**

The Annual Winter Formal has been set for January 25, 2025 from 7-10 pm at GCHS. If a student is bringing a guest that doesn't attend GCHS, paperwork will be available in Mrs. Harned's office on Tuesday, January 7.

Tue. Dec. 17 from 1-6:30 pm, Class of 2025 parents are able to come at their convenience, to the Leitchfield ECTC Campus, to complete the FAFSA for the 25-26 school year. Individual assistance will be provided, in order to complete the FAFSA process.
In Person students created their FAFSA ID last week. Seniors that did not complete this process, must create a FAFSA ID prior to starting the application. Parents with no FAFSA ID, please create one prior to Dec. 17. There is a link for a step by step guide on our various media outlets and Remind. Please call 259-5459 if you have any questions or concerns.

Girls basketball schedule for 2024-2025