Senior Slide Show pics/videos need to be submitted to gchsclassof2018@outlook.com by Friday, the 27th! SENIORS CAN DECORATE CAPS W/ TOPPERS! Kings Island Tickets purchased by this Friday, the 27th.

Senior Trip - Kings Island Friday, May 18, 2018 from 8am-1am. $42 for ticket and drink band. Seniors must purchase tickets during lunch from Ms. Higdon through April 27th.

Registration information is available on the school’s website for 9th-11th grade. Registration starts Tuesday, March 20th.

March 20th is a busy day for GCHS; seniors have their social at The Rock, juniors are taking the ACT, sophomores are going to WKU, freshman have 2 guest speakers and are registering for classes for next year. Important for all students to be here Tuesday, March 20th.

Sophomores going on the WKU fieldtrip Tuesday, March 20th need to turn in their permission forms and $8.00 for the all you can eat meal tickets. Please have the signed permission forms and money turned in ASAP to the Counselor’s Office. If you have questions, please call 259-5459. Thank you and have a great day!

GCHS 2018-2019 Registration
Freshmen, Sophomore and Juniors will be Registering for 2018-2019 classes this Tuesday and Wednesday. Please log on to the GCHS Website Monday, to view documents that your child will be bringing home. Parents will have the opportunity to view their child's course selections, after they have registered, via Infinite Campus/Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Counselor at 259-5459.

Sophomores going on the WKU fieldtrip Tuesday, March 20th need to turn in their permission forms and $8.00 for the all you can eat meal tickets. Please have the signed permission forms and money turned in ASAP to the Counselor’s Office. If you have questions, please call 259-5459. Thank you and have a great day!

Sophomores going on the WKU fieldtrip Tuesday March 20th need to turn in their permission forms and $8.00 for the all you can eat meal tickets. Please have the signed permission forms and money turned in ASAP to the Counselor’s Office. If you have questions, please call 259-5459. Thank you and have a great day!

If you are coming to pick up your student at GCHS, please go to Lawler Elementary at this time.

Girls game tonight vs Breck has been rescheduled for Friday night, Jan. 12th, 5:30 for jv, 7 for varsity.

Parents, at this time you can access Campus Portal to see your child's 6 week Progress Grade for T2. Call 259-5459 if you have any questions.

College Information Session Thursday, January 11th at 5:30-6:30pm in the GCHS Library for Seniors and their Parents/Guardians. Call Ms. Higdon at 259-5459 if you have questions.

Congrats to Jackson Parker for his performance today at Disney World with the All National Honor Concert Band.

Custom school gear makes the perfect holiday gift. Design gear with your mascot, logo, and school colors to show your school pride!
Expires 12.31.17

Seniors: Jostens will return on Friday to collect all cap and gown orders. There are several packages and many senior items for sale. Please know that you can purchase the cap, gown, stole, and tassel for only $41.08 (including tax). This is all that is needed for our graduation ceremony. Please feel free to email Ms. Higdon at mona.higdon@grayson.kyschools.us if you have any questions.

Jostens will return on Friday to collect all cap and gown orders. There are several packages and many senior items for sale. Please know that you can purchase the cap, gown, stole, and tassel for only $41.08 (including tax). This is all that is needed for our graduation ceremony. Please feel free to email Ms. Higdon at mona.higdon@grayson.kyschools.us if you have any questions.

The last day to order the Grayson Co. Senior T-shirt with all of your names listed is Friday, Oct. 27th at 11:59pm. The cost is $10 plus tax. The website is: seniortee.itemorder.com. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Higdon @ 270-259-5459.

GCHS homecoming game tonight vs. Barren Co. Kickoff @ 7. Senior activities begin @ 6:30 and homecoming activities @ halftime. #weareGC

Seniors, The last day to order the Grayson Co. Senior Tshirt with all of your names listed is Friday, Oct. 27th at 11:59pm. The cost is ten dollars pus tax & the website is seniortee.itemorder.com. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Higdon @ 270-259-5459.

GCHS Spirit Week is Oct. 16th-20th. Info attached for each dress up day.