GCMS is very proud of Mr. J.J. Frye for earning the prestigious National Stem Scholar Award. Check out the story from WBKO, here: https://bit.ly/3pWTqQz
almost 2 years ago, Gary Parker
Meals on the Bus returns June 5 - July 14! This summertime program provides all kids and teens 18 and under the opportunity to receive meals free of charge, no registration needed. Choose the site that best fits your location and schedule at https://bit.ly/453N1Dj
almost 2 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Meals on the Bus, June 5 - July 14
GCMS would like to congratulate Noah Dennis! He won the KY State Jr. Doubles in Cornhole! He also finished 2nd place in Jr. Singles and 2nd place in Doubles.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Noah Dennis poses for Cornhole win
GCMS would like to congratulate Addie Sanders for placing 3rd (Middle Grades Poetry Division) in the KET State Writing Contest!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Addie Sanders placed 3rd in the KET writing contest
Attention GCMS parents: Any medications that have been sent to school will need to be picked up no later than May 25th by an adult. For safety reasons, meds will NOT be sent home with students.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Notice from the School Nurse's Staff
We would like to recognize ALL of the AMAZING Teachers here at GCMS during Teacher Appreciation Week! We appreciate you EVERY day of the year and recognize the hard work you put in! Thanks for ALL you do to help our students succeed!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Teachers during Learning Club
Candid pics of GCMS teachers
Teachers during back to school night
Teachers posing with students and fellow teachers
GCMS Parents and Friends: Check out the great things happening at GCMS in our May Cougar Connections Newsletter. Just follow this link: https://5il.co/1twva
almost 2 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS hosted a successful blood drive on Monday. We were able to collect 23 units of blood for the American Red Cross!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Staff member smiling while preparing to donate blood
GCMS Staff giving blood
Today was Mrs. Pam Armstrong's final CSI meeting since she will be retiring at the end of the school year. It marked the end of an era for her CSI group!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Math CSI group photo
Math CSI group
Teachers sitting in group at a table
Special thanks to Elvie Shane for an awesome performance at GCMS yesterday! Students and staff were definitely treated with his inspirational message and great music! He signed autographs and posed for pictures with students and it was a great way to kick off our KSA spirit week!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Elvie Shane performs at GCMS
Elvie Shane performs for GCMS
Thanks to Elvie Shane for visiting and performing today at GCMS. Great music and aspirational words, “Be good to each other. Dream big.”
almost 2 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Elvie Shane seated on a stool at a mic
Elvie Shane signing an autograph for a student as a teacher looks on from behind
Elvie Shane taking questions from students seated on a gym floor
Elvie Shane talks from the floor with a male student leaning over a railing
GCMS would like to give a BIG shoutout to our office staff for all that they do to keep things running smoothly! Happy Administrative Professional's Week!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Happy Administrative Professional's Day
Congratulations to the newly elected SBDMC Parent Representatives: Amanda Lewis & Michele Vincent
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Reminder: GCMS is hosting a Blood Drive in the Cafeteria on Monday, May 1st from 2:30-6:30 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Blood Drive Image spring flowers
GCMS Softball tryouts will be held May 25th (6-8 PM) and May 26th (9-11 AM). Players must attend both days of tryouts and they must bring an updated physical. Open to grades 5-8.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Softball tryouts
23-24 GCMS Parents: Use this link https://forms.gle/tVTBaE7PAVzA7gdo6 to vote for SBDMC Parent Representatives in today's election. To vote, you must have a child at GCMS for the 23-24 school year. The 1st 2 questions on the ballot will confirm your identity. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS is so proud of our own Mr. Frye for being named one of the 2023-2024 National STEM Scholars.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
National STEM Scholar
GCMS would like to give a big shoutout to Pizza Hut for donating straws to our 8th grade Science class for their greenhouse projects!
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Science class builds greenhouses.
See below for info on Boys Basketball Camp at GCHS. Camp is open to grades K-8.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Boys Basketball Camp Info
Last day of Cougar Zone has been changed to Wednesday, April 26th.
almost 2 years ago, Rachael Shepherd
Cougar Zone