Congratulations to the Kentucky Youth Assembly students for a fantastic showing! Commonwealth Bill-Landry Crowder, Leah Helvey, Gabby Stevenson; Bluegrass Bill-Meredith Baldwin, Kady Cook, Keilan Hayes, Story Schultz (Outstanding Bluegrass Bill, Signed into Law, Highest Ranked in Committee, Passed House, Passed Senate); Outstanding Delegate-Rio Mercado; Conference Life Committee-Collin Miller; Premeire Delegation-Grayson County Middle School Brennon Burns Callie Schlosser Carolyn House Collin Miller Collyns Elmore Colton Cummings Dylan Crawford Evan Templeman Gabby Stevenson Hayden Hodges Jocey Stinnett Kady Cook Keegan Gregory Keilan Hayes Landry Crowder Leah Helvey Lydia Drake Meredith Baldwin Payton Sanders Rio Mercado Roger Pierce Sophia Hardin Story Schultz Trinity Clemons GREAT JOB!!

Congrats to the GCMS Band for 3 great performances at their Holiday Concert last night! #PursueThePrize

GCMS students are enjoying an exciting visit from HealthForce Kentucky, who inspire careers in health care by providing wider access to the highest levels of instruction and technology. The HealthForce trailers offer a hands-on experience for students of all ages through experiencing the roles of healthcare professionals.
In the trailer at GCMS, students can explore Laparoscopic surgery, interactive models of mannequins, practicing CPR and Heimlich maneuvers, the importance of hand washing, interactive 3D models, and an interactive Anatomage dissection table! Big thank you to Mr. Frye for arranging the visit, and all the HealthForce staff for making this possible!

Congratulations to these students for earning the BE THE GOOD and Cougar Excellence Awards #PursueThePrize

GCMS Families and Friends: Check out the amazing things happening at our school at this link https://5il.co/30kvc, which will open our 7-page Cougar Connections Parent Newsletter! #PursueThePrize

GCMS Halloween Costume Winners... Most Creative: Lila Dickerson, Adalee Harrell (winner), James Tucker. Funniest: Karsten Block, Lucy Smith & Brooklyn Walters (winners). Scariest: Elizabeth Carman, Mason Warner, Aiyahna Williams (winner).

MS Parents,, here are the links for Halloween Contest https://5il.co/2ze41, Veterans Day Sign-Up https://bit.ly/GCMSVeterans. and Lunch and Learn https://bit.ly/GCMSLunch2024. All were mentioned on the one-call. Thanks!

Congratulations to these students for earning the Be The Good award for October #PursueThePrize

GCMS Spirit Week - Oct. 21-25! Please check out the slides for more information! #PursueThePrize

Look who came to GCMS today! We were proud to host Grayson County native and country music fiddler Jimmy Mattingly. Mr. Mattingly spoke to students about the merits of hard work and goal-setting. And, he entertained with a few tunes! GCMS is very thankful for his visit today! #PursueThePrize

GCMS Parents/Guardians: Don't forget to come out and join us tomorrow, Thu., Oct. 17, for our Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4:30-6:00!

GCMS Parents/Friends, check out the amazing things happening at GCMS by clicking this link https://5il.co/2yrqk for our October Cougar Connections Newsletter! #PursueThePrize

GCMS Orchestra placed several students in the All-District Orchestra! Bravo! #PursueThePrize

GCMS looks forward to seeing lots of parents at our Parent-Teacher Conference next Thursday, October 17 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.! Come and go as needed during the 90 minutes. #PursueThePrize

GCMS welcomes Anita Adkins as our new Site Coordinator for Cougar Zone! #PursueThePrize

GCMS welcomes McKenzie Eversoll as a new General Music/Related Arts Teacher! #PursueThePrize

GCMS is proud of these choir students who participated in the KMEA 4th District Honor Choir at Campbellsville University on September 26! #PursueThePrize

Haven't had a chance to check out the Sept. newsletter? Go to this link: https://5il.co/2w3o0 Great things are happening at GCMS!

GCMS Parents and Friends: Check out the great things happening at GCMS in our Sept. Cougar Connections Newsletter at this link: https://5il.co/2w3o0 We truly appreciate the support of our parents and community! View on your laptop or desktop at our website!

GCMS Parents: Interested in free dental work for your child? Please visit this website to sign up your child TODAY! https://www.myschooldentist.com/GJGCKY_schsrm