GCMS is thankful for our wonderful counselors Sahale Christian, Aggie Manion, and Kelsie Hughes! Day in and day out, working hard for the success of each individual student and staff member! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

At the Kentucky Music Educators Association Conference in Louisville over the weekend, GCMS Band Director Angela Nash received the 4th District Middle School Teacher of the Year Award! Great recognition for a superb teacher! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Congrats to great finishes by the GCMS Archery Team at Edmonson Co. this weekend! Trey Cook ranked 7th and Aiden Day ranked 12th of 110 MS Boys; Taryn Solomon was 8th of 81 MS Girls! Way to go, archers! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

The GCMS Cheer Team won 1st place at the Mercy Cheer Challenge in Louisville, KY on Saturday! Way to go, girls! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

With the current weather outlook, tomorrow, Thursday February 3, will be an NTI day with students working from home.

Way to go boys! #rebuildingthefoundation

BETA student, Trystan Brooks brought in a substantial amount of donations for the Leitchfield Animal Shelter today. He stated, “That this is his favorite service project that BETA does all year.” Our students efforts for their community never cease to amaze us.

GCMS students and teachers getting back and working hard to start the week! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCMS Math teachers digging in to CASE Assessment results! What are students mastering and where do we need to improve? Awesome work! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCS is looking for subs in ALL areas – aides, cooks, drivers, custodians and, yes, teachers. Full- or part-time, find out how to join our team at https://bit.ly/3rTbAA8

Our ELA teachers are working hard this afternoon in their department meeting to help improve student on-demand writing. #rebuildingthefoundation

7th-grade team 4 students were learning about thesis statements for their on-demand writing prompts today in Mrs. Stevens' class. They also learned how to use our new writing program. #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS Cougar Basketball continue their winning ways with 2 decisive victories over Edmonson Co tonight! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Congratulations to these GCMS students for participating in the UK Male Chorus Day on Sat., Jan. 22: (Back) Christian Lucas, Jack Webb, Trenton McCloud; (Front) Kamdyn Parks, Kyle Wilson #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCMS Parents and Friends: Check out the wonderful things happening at GCMS in the Jan. edition of Cougar Connections! Here's the link: https://5il.co/14i8l #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

And now, Cougar Zone is cancelled! We apologize for the most recent post, but the information we have been receiving is very fluid & seems to change quickly. Thank you for understanding. #rebuildingthefoundation

As of right now, we are planning to have Cougar Zone tutoring & clubs after school today as scheduled. We will let all of our students & parents know immediately if that changes. As always, thank you for your support of GCMS. #rebuildingthefoundation

Congrats to the GCMS Academic Team for a very strong finish at the District Governor's Cup at Hancock Co. on Saturday, including 2nd overall and the Hume Sportsmanship Award! See details in the graphic! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Congrats to these GCMS students for making the 4th District KMEA All-District Band! Way to go, students! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCMS Custodian Raymond Darst is out early this morning making sure the sidewalks are clear! We appreciate our custodial staff and all of their behind-the-scenes work for GCMS! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe