GCMS had even more fun on Snowman Day and Sweater Day! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

How about those Lady Cougars? The GCMS 7th Grade Girls won the GRVC Tournament last night by winning a close game vs. Ohio Co! Hang that banner! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Mr. Manion & Mr. Coates had a blast playing battle ball with students as a a reward today! #rebuildingthefoundation

Our kids amaze us every day! Some of our Cougar Zone students made Christmas cards, ornaments & cookies for the residents in our local nursing homes. We wish all of you a wonderful holiday season! #rebuildingthefoundation

Congrats to the following students for earning the GCMS Team Player Award: Draven Rudnick, Colbie White, Heaven Basham & Kendra Humes! Thanks for being the good around here! Enjoy those crazy socks! #rebuildingthefoundation

Lynze Haycraft, Kaden Stevenson, Lainey Lofgren & Lydia Cummings earned the team player award for "being the good" around GCMS! They picked up some super cool crazy socks too! #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS would like to thank the Leitchfield VFW members from post #12175 for donating over $800 to our toy drive for children affected by the recent tornadoes. We have had such an outpouring from the community & are grateful to each & every one that donated. #rebuildingthefoundation

Today is the LAST DAY for the GCMS Toy Drive to benefit families in Western Kentucky! We thank the Grayson County community and our GCMS families so much for your amazing support and loving hearts! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Congratulations to Katlyn Stevenson for receiving Honorable Mention in the 2021 WRECC Design the Cover Contest! She even scored a $50 Visa gift card! GCMS is so proud of you Katlyn! #rebuildingthefoundation

As a prelude to persuasive writing, Mrs. Stevens’ class presented ideas for school improvement and persuaded students to sign petitions today. Excellent work from teacher and students and, yes, on the next to last day before break!! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Big thanks to our Central Office staff for serving a great breakfast this morning! And how bout that GCMS cafeteria staff transforming our cafe into a holiday fantasy land? Wow! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCMS had a great learning club meeting after school yesterday! We are learning to create better learning intentions & success criteria for our students. We also learned from our colleagues about using goal cards & the effort tracker strategy . #rebuildingthefoundation

It's Christmas Character Day at GCMS! We have everyone from the Wet Bandits from Home Alone, Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation, the Train Conductor from Polar Express & Ralphie from A Christmas Story! #rebuildingthefoundation

Look what our community has done to benefit families of the Western KY tornadoes! We are amazed at what everyone has pulled together tin two days o donate to those in need! The student-initiated toy drive continues through Friday. #rebuildingthefoundation

It's Santa hat day at GCMS! We know him! Students & staff all around the building proudly displayed their hats for us. #rebuildingthefoundation

Santa visited GCMS today to check on all of our great kiddos! He's making a list & checking it twice! #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS students & staff enjoyed dressing up for reindeer day yesterday! We have such a festive spirit around here this week! #rebuildingthefoundation

We encourage GCMS families to participate in our student-initiated Toy Drive to benefit those affected by tornadoes. Thank you in advance for your support!

GCMS presents The Nick of Time Christmas Show, a hilarious production about a group of students trying to put on a play, but everything keeps going wrong. Admission is FREE! Showtimes are Saturday, December 18th at 6:00 PM & Sunday, December 19th at 1:00 PM.

Due to facilities conflicts with the hosting of the Girls GRVC Tourney, GCMS will not hold our after-school Cougar Zone program this week.