Mrs. Bratcher & Mr. Vincent are having a blast celebrating Twinsies Thursday for spirit week at GCMS! #rebuildingthefoundation

Mr. Manion used several different engaging strategies to guide students in determining main idea in text! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Who says GCMS teachers can’t have fun during spirit week? Mrs. Stevens & Mrs. Pennington enjoyed Wacky Tacky Wednesday today! #rebuildingthefoundation

Today was Wacky Wednesday for spirit week at GCMS & team 7 students & teachers did not disappoint! #rebuildingthefoundation

Attention Virtual Students: Due to technical issues, EDGEnuity will be down until tomorrow, at the earliest. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Come out and support the GCMS Lady Cougars next Wednesday at Meet the Lady Cougar Night! See slide for details! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Students in the co-taught math class of Mrs. Fenwick & Mr. Coates are learning to solve equations using the distributive property & the help of mnemonic devices Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally & Don't Call Me After Midnight! Do you remember? #rebuildingthefoundation

Do you remember how to solve fractions or do they still give you nightmares? Check out what our 7th-grade students are learning in the team 5 co-taught math class of Mrs. Milliner & Mrs. Logsdon! #rebuildingthefoundation

Students in Ms. Taylor Lindsey's study skills class are busy setting goals & using base ten blocks to solve math problems. Check out one of the messages we saw taped to a student's desk! #rebuildingthefoundation

Mrs. Franich & Ms. Lindsey took their 6th-grade students on a scavenger hunt yesterday to find their greatest common factors! #rebuildingthefoundation

Congratulations to GCMS Band Director Angela Nash, selected KMEA District 4 Middle School Teacher of the Year! Nash also serves as Asst. Marching Band Director and Jazz Band Director at GCHS.


We love it when Dr. Absher & Dr. Noall from GREEC visit GCMS! They observed our co-taught math classes today & then met with the department to review data. Special thanks to Ms. Heavrin from the GCBOE for observing all day too! #rebuildingthefoundation

Mrs. Shiarella and Mrs Logsdon are livening up a gloomy Monday with some great parallel teaching in Team 6 Math! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe #LeadInclusion

Spirit Week kicks off tomorrow at GCMS! Please join in the fun and show that Cougar Pride! #Rebuilding The Foundation

Mrs. Bratcher's team 7 students are stepping it up in their walking for fitness focus class today! #rebuildingthefoundation

Could you have stopped the fall of Rome? That's what Mr. Owensby's 7th-grade students are being asked to do today! Each team 6 student was an emperor & had to retain the most capital to sustain Rome. Ask your student if they were successful! #rebuildingthefoundaiton

Mr. Owensby's 7th-grade team 6 students conducted a fall of Rome simulation in class today! This deepened their prior learning & also required them to make higher order decision-making to build their capital as emperors. #rebuildingthefoundation

Team 4 students have been reading about daily life in Ancient Rome & illustrating what they envision creating a graffiti wall. Wednesday was family & work, Thursday was gods and goddesses, tomorrow is gladiators & chariot races. #rebuildingthefoundation

Despite the challenges, we’re Rebuilding the Foundation at GCMS! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe