Encourage your teen to correct their mistakes on graded tests, then save them in a folder. They’ll be reminded of the types of questions they’ll see on future tests. And making corrections will reinforce material they may need for future learning. #GCMSOpportunity

If your teen struggles with a science concept, suggest searching the library database for a picture book on the topic. Reading a book aimed toward younger children can provide background knowledge that will help them understand the material. #GCMSOpportunity

Prepping healthy meals in advance can lead to better eating habits. Help your teen make three days’ worth of breakfasts or lunches that include whole grains, lean protein, and fruits and veggies. They can grab their “fast food” before school or between online classes.

We’re so grateful for all our incredible school counselors and the connections they make every day with - and for - our students. They truly exemplify what it means to be “all in for students!”

Join GCMS in celebrating National School Counselors Week! We appreciate the amazing efforts of Nancy Sims and Sahale Christian in truly supporting our staff and students! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe


Hold a family learning night. Each person gets a turn to teach everyone else something they’re good at, such as origami or cupcake decorating. It’s good practice for class presentations, and you’ll appreciate each other’s talents while learning new skills. #GCMSOpportunity

Team 4 students are learning about Ancient China including the T'ang and Song dynasties. Ms. York's study skills class created Tangrams, dissection puzzles that are believed to have been invented during the Song dynasty, over 1400 yrs ago. #GCMSOpportunity

Listen to your teen’s favorite songs occasionally, even if your musical tastes are different. You’ll get an idea of the kinds of messages they're hearing. Plus, the lyrics might spark discussions about important topics like relationships or current events. #GCMSOpportunity

Very proud of our students and staff for a great week of in-person learning! Teachers taking advantage of the face-to-face time! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe

Help your teen see the connection between sticking with things now & their success in the future. For example, you might notice their effort on a big project & say, “All that hard work & persistence will pay off when you do projects in your job one day.” #GCMSOpportunity

GCS will remain on the current A/B schedule through the end of February. We will continue to monitor the community health climate and revisit this timeframe later next month. Details and Feb. Calendar: http://bit.ly/Jan21GCS

Check out the great things happening at GCMS in our Jan. Parent Newsletter: https://5il.co/owyr #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe

GCMS Picture Days--Tuesday and Wednesday! Check out the info on this slide! And,....get ready to say cheese!
#GCMSOpportunity @gcboe

ATTENTION GCMS FAMILIES: School picture day is January 26th & 27th at GCMS! #GCMSOpportunity

To show appreciation for the GC Health Dept., GCMS presented them with a basket of goodies. We appreciate their continued efforts to keep our staff, students, and community healthy! Impressive group who don't get enough credit! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe

Spatial reasoning is the ability to visualize shapes, sizes, and positions of objects. Give your teen practice! Have him load the dishwasher, pack items in boxes/suitcases, or fit recyclables into the bin. They’ll have to picture what could go where and how everything will fit.

Last week, Dee Dee Webb led a great session for our Teacher Induction Program, where mentors and mentees learned about 4 different technology tools to help educators be more efficient and effective! @DWebbTech #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe

While reading novels for class, encourage your teen to keep pencil and paper on hand. They can jot down their reactions to events, questions they have, or unfamiliar words to look up later. This will boost their comprehension and help them do better on tests and quizzes.

Grayson County Schools will be closed on Monday, January 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.