about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
While vaping among teens declined in 2020, it’s still critical to talk to your child about e-cigarettes. Explain that nicotine is addictive, plus there’s no good data on the long-term effects of vaping. Let them know what the consequences are from vaping.
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
These videos from GCMS Band and Orchestra were recently shared with our local nursing homes. Proud of these students and directors for not letting Covid interrupt sharing their talents! Orchestra: http://bit.ly/3mDKkkp Band: http://bit.ly/2LXhQp7 #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS Schedule for the 1st 2 weeks of January, 2021: https://5il.co/o4sj #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS wasn't able to hold our normal student Food Drive for the GC Alliance, so what does the staff do? Brings in over 1,100 pounds themselves! What a great example for our students! Thanks for providing for those less fortunate in our community! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCS will return from Christmas Break with NTI from Jan. 4 – 8 to allow more time between the holiday season and provide a safer return to the buildings for all. The A/B hybrid schedule will resume Jan. 11. See full message from Supt. Robinson: http://bit.ly/GCSUpdate121820
over 4 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Evaluating products helps your teen think critically. Ask them to research a household purchase, such as a new fridge. They can learn how much different models cost and compare the features. Then, let them recommend what to buy based on their findings. #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Hands-on, engaging lessons during NTI? Certainly happening in Zayne's Priddy's room! This brother-sister tandem shining in terrarium design! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe #GCMSRockinNTI
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Not being in school has not kept our GCMS artists from creating some nice holiday projects! Check out some of the many great designs! All being led by long-time GC educator Sheila Meredith! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Creating study guides to prepare for tests will help your teen twice. First, they’ll analyze the information as they choose the most important facts to include in their guide. And when they're finished, they’ll have a packet to study from. #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Check out who made a virtual visit to GCMS! Elvie Shane, one of Pandora's 2021 Artists to Watch, spoke to Mrs. LeaAnn Frank about how his journey intersects with our core values. We appreciated the opportunity! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/vopjGH-R3oc #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Check out our drama club students performing "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" virtually! #GCMSOpportunity https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z610qb8owN3KShzbQeZKWRsPMkJzhJDb/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Drama Credits
Reading memoirs will help your teen see the world from different points of view. Suggest that they browse the library’s e-book collection for ones by people they admire or have studied in school. They may even be inspired to write their own memoir. #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Invite your teen to work with you to help others. You might pick up groceries for a sick friend, or cook a casserole to take to a relative with a new baby, for example. It’ll give you an excuse to hang out and reconnect while doing something kind for someone else.
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Two meal options are now available! Meals on the Bus will continue to operate on its current schedule through this week (Dec. 18). Or, you can order a five-day meal kit instead, available for pickup. Just email Kristy Hodges to place your order.
over 4 years ago, Grayson County Schools
What a treat! Kari and Bethany Ray visited GCMS, bringing cupcakes for the staff. Also, Bethany shared a beautiful rendition of "O, Holy Night" for our front office staff! Congrats to Bethany for making All-State Symphonic Orchestra! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Documentaries can give your teen a deeper understanding of topics they study in school. If they're studying the Earth in science, they might stream a NASA program. Or they could watch a National Geographic show about a country or region they're earning about in history.
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Pick a category, such as types of rings. Set a timer for three minutes and have family members list things that fit the category (wedding ring, Saturn’s rings, doorbell ring). Compare lists and cross off duplicates. The person with the most unique item wins! #GCMSOpportunity
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
over 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
GCMS school photos are tentatively set for Jan. 26 & 27! Read the graphic for more info! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
over 4 years ago, Gary Parker