This is the schedule GCMS will be using for dropping off completed packet work AND for picking up packets for Days 16-30. Notice that we have extended hours for this 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Next Thu. and Fri.! Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Gary Parker
Packet Pickup
Starting Monday, March 23: All current meal route locations have been updated, along with some slight time changes.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
meals visit
Gov. Beshear today recommended that all schools extend closure until Monday April 20. Please see the transcript of Supt. Robinson's call to families and staff this evening. Official updates can always be found at
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
schools remain closed until April 20
If any student needs additional support dealing with anxiety or feels the need to talk to a trusted adult, please understand that you can call GCMS at 270-259-4175, and we will be happy to have one of our counselors or staff members provide that support. We care about our kids!
almost 5 years ago, Gary Parker
For students who have paper packets, we encourage you to drop off the completed portion in boxes we have set up (by team) in the GCMS front lobby during normal hours - 8:00 to 2:30---please make sure the student’s name is on all assignments! Thank you! #DigDeeperGCMS
almost 5 years ago, Gary Parker
You asked and we're happy to answer that we've added a stop at the Anneta Firehouse starting Friday, March 20 (tomorrow), 1:10 - 1:30 pm. Look forward to seeing our Anneta are students and families there! Stay tuned for more updates this weekend ...
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
For information about COVID-19, visit Remember to wash your hands. Use hand sanitizer. Practice social distancing. COVID-19 hotline: (800) 722-5725
almost 5 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Check out this informational guide about using MobyMax at home! It should answer any questions you may have about this great online learning tool.
almost 5 years ago, GCMS
almost 5 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Two locations have been added to our mobile routes. A bus will be at at Dewey’s Trailer Court off West Maple near South Main Street, from 10:40 - 10:50 am, and at Bailey’s Zip Mart, 6159 Beaver Dam Road near the Millwood Community Center, 12:30 – 12:45 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
These ladies provide not only breakfast and lunch, but also a great attitude! Very thankful for their efforts and the support of Grayson Co. Schools! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
about 5 years ago, Gary Parker
During our school closure, all student activities are cancelled, and our facilities (gym, auditorium, etc.) are not available. Keeping our students safe and healthy is our top priority.
about 5 years ago, Gary Parker
GCS will provide meal services and pick up routes for ages 18 and younger starting Monday, March 16. Check out routes, locations and times for the option that works best for you.
about 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Food Services
Students in Mr. Alexander's 8th grade science classes experienced the effect of mutations by trying to use a tape measure to loosen a bolt. This illustrates how proteins are not as functional when their structure is altered.
about 5 years ago, GCMS
Your GCMS School Counselors will be available to help during the emergency shutdown. Please feel free to reach out to them at 270-259-4175 from 9:00-2:00 during the shutdown and also see the helpful resources that are listed below.
about 5 years ago, GCMS
Counselor's Letter for During Emergency Shutdown
GCS WILL be in session tomorrow, March 13. it is very, very important that all students attend tomorrow in preparation for upcoming Non-Traditional Instruction Days. We will update as new information is available.
about 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
COVID update call 2702594011
NTI Days update call 2702594011
Due to the weather forecast for this afternoon, Grayson County Schools has cancelled ALL afterschool activities and events, including FRC childcare. If you need to make alternate travel arrangements for your child, please contact their school. School will be dismissed at the regular time.
about 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Yearbook sales for this school year will end on March 15th! Visit and enter our school order number of 13799 to order yours today!
about 5 years ago, GCMS
We have been closely following and monitoring the information and guidance provided by the CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO), state and local health departments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). Find out what we are doing and how we can work together to reduce its spread at We will continue to update the page as new information is available.
about 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Mr. Beeler's 6th-grade science students were getting an introduction to Newton's Laws today by observing a football traveling on the International Space Station. #digdeepergcms
about 5 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Mr. Beeler