GCMS is very proud of our 20 All-District Orchestra students, with guest conductor Ben McWhorter, who performed an excellent concert at WKU yesterday! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

Reminder - no school Monday, Jan 20, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Check out a portion of Mr. Warren Beeler's speech to our students this morning! Thank you for your inspiration Mr. Beeler! #digdeepergcms

Mr. Warren Beeler, Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy, spoke to our student body this morning. He talked about finding your talent & working hard, sometimes losing can teach us more than winning & how you can never stop learning! #digdeepergcms

We had a successful faculty meeting after school yesterday. We learned more about the model code of ethics, ideas on how to use higher-yield, more rigorous instructional strategies, how to make a worksheet into a think sheet & gap reduction, . #digdeepergcms

Mrs. VanMetre's 7th-grade science classes are learning about meteor impacts today! #digdeepergcms

GCMS was proud to recognize many of our 6th grade students for earning distinguished in multiple areas on last May's K-PREP testing! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

Cougar Zone's Sarah Logsdon was gifted a Dig Deeper tumbler & lunch for digging into updated STAR data for our school. We appreciate all of her hard work! #digdeepergcms

Ms. Powell, Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Kiper are at GRREC today learning how to better implement effective math co-teaching practices. We never stop trying to improve at GCMS! #digdeepergcms

Mr. Lockett's classes are learning about the Chinese philosophies of Daoism, Legalism & Confucianism today through a jigsaw activity. Then students taught their group members the philosophy they read about. #digdeepergcms

More examples of students and staff digging deeper in the new year! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

Mr. Greenleaf and his staff were working hard this week, helping students dig deeper into learning! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

More of the amazing teaching and learning happening at GCMS this 1st week back from break! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

These students were recognized for GCMS Cougar Excellence during the month of December! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

Santa must have been good to these students, who seemed to be rested and ready to go this week at GCMS! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS

It's official! The 2020-21 school year calendar has been approved. Thanks to everyone who participated in the surveys to help select this final version. You can also find a larger copy on our website bit.ly/2021CalApproved

Kudos to these students & staff members for receiving the GCMS Dig Deeper award at the Board meeting last night. We are so proud of you! #digdeepergcms

Here are some of our incredible students that were recognized at the Board meeting last night for being GCHS acceleration, GCMS Mentoring Program & Cougar Zone stand-outs! Way to go kiddos! #digdeepergcms

Here are some of our amazing students that were recognized at the Board meeting last night for earning multiple distinguished scores on last year's KPREP assessment. Congratulations! #digdeepergcms

Good morning GCMS Families! Just a quick reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, 2020, for the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day. #digdeepergcms