Joel Bernard, from Mid-Park, shared a very positive message of determination with our students today! #MyGCS #LevelUpGCMS

Several GCMS students were Cougar Excellence nominees for the month of October! Great job! #MyGCS #LevelUpGCMS

Students loved the music of Realizing Anything's Possible (RAP). Keep trying for your dreams!

Students without office referrals were treated to a concert with Ike and Cutright! Never quit trying!!

These students were nominated by their teachers for Cougar Excellence in August!

Good luck to the GCMS Lady Cougar basketball teams in their opener against Stuart Pepper tonight at 5:00 in Cougar Gym!!

GCMS had a great and loud pep rally today for 8th grade night and the last home football game against Ohio Co. Go Cougars!

Grayson County Middle School is off to a great start using our core values: caring, determination, honesty, respect, and responsibility!!

Grayson County Middle School welcomes Mr. Michael "Dave" Morgan as Assistant Principal. Mr. Morgan has been serving at GCHS as Co-Chair of the Science Dept., and as coach for Archery/Football.

Grayson County Middle School will be conducting new student registration for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades who are new to the district on Wednesday, July 12th from 9-2:00. Please bring birth certificate, social security number, 6th grade physical and immunization certificate, and proof of guardianship, if applicable. If you have questions, please call the GCMS Counselors at 270-259-4175.

The GCMS SBDM Council wants your feedback as they prepare to select a new principal. Please share your voice in this important decision by completing a very brief survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HDPTTWT. Responses are requested no later than Wednesday, June 21.

Summer Cougar Zone is June 5-8 and June 12-15. Sixth Sense for incoming 6th graders is July 17-19. Call 270-259-4175 for more info.

PBIS: These students were nominated by their teachers in May for meeting expectations!

We want your feedback! Take the GCMS Title I Parent Involvement Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LBQ57CJ

PBIS-These students were recognized for meeting expectations in March and April! Great job!

The GCMS cafe workers were rewarded with milkshakes! Thanks and great job!

GCMS council parent reps for 2017-18 will be Jackie Stanton and Kari Ray. No election is needed since there were just 2 nominees. Thanks!

GCMS Beta Club was the number 1 school in this year's Piggies for Preemies fundraiser for Kosair Children's Hospital!

SOFTBALL - 1st Annual Beta Club Softball Invitational - April 29, 2017