Team 8 had some great costume winners today & their teachers weren't bad either! Jackson Davis & Kaytee Harper, Skylar Chhor & Lydia Cummings, Allie Shartzer & Hayden Fulkerson. Great job students & teachers! #rebuildingthefoundation

Check out these team 2 costume winners! Funniest: Selene Connors
& Teagan Piggot. Most creative: Lila Riggs & Kandinsky Parks. Scariest:
Tessa Blain & Alivia Goodman. #rebuildingthefoundation

Here are your team 9 costume winners! Most creative: Lincoln Collier &
Austin Tilford. Scariest: Jayden Bocock & Abby Mudd. #rebuildingthefoundation

Congratulations to these team 3 costume winners! Scariest: Scott Shingledecker & Alyssa Tilford. Most original: Kaden Stevenson & Katlyn Stevenson. Funniest: Aldon Evans & Emma Walker. #rebuildingthefoundation

We have a little bit of everything at GCMS today! We hope everyone has a safe Halloween weekend. #rebuildingthefoundation

Check out these team 7 Halloween costume winners! Way to go kiddos! #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS students & staff are enjoying being dressed up for Halloween today! #rebuildingthefoundation

We are celebrating Red Ribbon Week today by wearing crazy hair, hats, & socks because we'd be crazy to do drugs! #rebuildingthefoundation

Regionals were this past weekend for the varsity cross country team. Shane Hall was asked to run varsity & placed 5th for the team as well as set a new personal record! Shane helped the varsity team win a place to go to state on the October 30th! Congratulations!

It's Red Ribbon Week! Team 8 students & teachers enjoyed twinning yesterday for Two Good for Drugs Twin Day! #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS students & staff had fun dressing up yesterday for Red Ribbon Week on Twin Day because we are Two Good for Drugs! #rebuildingthefoundation

Team 9 teachers and students are working hard this week! Proud of these efforts! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Yesterday GCMS teachers spent the afternoon getting better at learning intentions and success criteria for more effective student achievement! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Big congrats to the GCMS Lady Cougars for 3 wins over Muhlenberg last night! Way to go, girls! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Our school's annual Food Drive benefitting the GC Alliance starts on Tuesday! Lots of fun incentives for students! Doing some good for our neighbors in need! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Students in Mrs. Poindexter's library media education class were learning how to use Destiny to search for books they were interested in. They also got to share why they chose their book. We've come a long way since the Dewey Decimal system! #rebuildingthefoundation

The dynamic duo of Chris and Charlotte Owensby showed us how station teaching is done! Great teamwork and fabulous student effort! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe @GRRECKY

This picture of our science PLC was taken at 3:07, well beyond the required meeting time. Discussion with WKU professor @RicoTyler was clearly a priority! Thank you, Science Dept.! And thanks, Prof. Tyler! #RebuildingThe Foundation @gcboe

6th & 8th grade GCMS Parents: We will be administering the KIP survey 10/25/21-10/29/21. More info can be found on our website or you can contact the school with any questions.

GCMS orchestra students are practicing hard today! #rebuildingthefoundation