Students in Mrs. Taylor's class are reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever to learn how to predict & develop an understanding of plot.
How about those alternate seating options? #rebuildingthefoundation

Month of gratitude update! Mrs. Stevens gives her team 4 students multiple opportunities to express their gratitude throughout the week! Our kids have such big hearts! #30daygratitudechallenge

All kinds of learning going on at GCMS today! Mrs. Carroll's 6th-grade social studies classes are comparing different countries & their contributions to the world. Mrs. Hall's students are learning how to solve decimals with different operations. #rebuildingthefoundation

Mrs. Tucker's science classes are learning about body systems today & what happens when things go wrong in the body. They are becoming experts with their diseases for the activity on Wednesday where they are assigned a case & teach their peers. #rebuildingthefoundation

Congratulations to these team 6 students for breaking out of the five pillars escape room in Mr. & Mrs. Owensby's 3rd period co-taught social studies class today! #rebuildingtheroundation

Team 7 is putting in the work this week! Love seeing the teaching and learning! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

Team 3 students and teachers are bringing their A game this week! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

2 big wins for the Lady Cougars vs Edmonson Co tonight! Way to go! #RebuildingTheFoundation @gcboe

GCMS had a special visit from some Wilkey Elementary students today! Mr. Parker, Mrs. Frank & Mr. Morgan were presented with handmade thank you cards for the Halloween candy they received. Special thanks to Mr. Coates for getting the candy donated. #rebuildingthefoundation

GCMS parents, please review this Title I info. Contact the GCBOE with any questions. Thanks!

GCMS would like to congratulate Trinity Bratcher for earning the team player award & getting some crazy socks! Way to “be the good!” #rebuildingthefoundation

Check out these students “being the good!”They earned a certificate from their team teachers & some crazy socks! Congratulations Nathan Cox, Isabella Stevenson, Breez Parks & Abigail Baker! #rebuildingthefoundation

Congratulations to Ava Gardner, Trinity Adams, Kamdyn Parks & Ethan Kingrey for earning the team player award for “being the good” at GCMS! They scored some crazy socks! #rebuildingthefoundation

It’s time to start planning for the 2022-23 School Year. Please give us your input into the upcoming School Calendar by taking this very brief survey https://bit.ly/CalendarSurvey23. Responses requested by Nov. 8.

Shane Hall competed with the varsity cross country team state in Paris, KY this weekend on one of the toughest courses our team has ever competed in! Shane finished 5th & placed 234th against over 280 of the fastest boys in the state. Please congratulate him on a great finish!

Here are the Team 6 costume winners! Most creative: Summer Flores & Josey Smith. Funniest: Tessa Cummings & Justin Royalty. Scariest:
Landon Higdon & Emelia Thurman. #rebuildingthefoundation

The related arts department at GCMS has your condiments if anyone needs them this Halloween weekend! We have had so much fun with our kids today! #rebuildingthefoundation

Team 9's Brody Russell & Bryce Abersold won for funniest costume today! If you see them trick-or-treating this weekend, be sure to congratulate them! #rebuildingthefoundation

Congratulations to these team 1 costume winners! Funniest: Braden Robinson & Bode Mangan. Scariest: Sarah Brown & Zach Helphenstine. Creative: Katie Morgan, Kennedy Miller, Akya Taylor (group) & Taryn Solomon. #rebuildingthefoundation

Team 4's Jillian Pierce, Kenadie Hart & Madison Overton won most creative costume! CJ Jock & Jasmine Jae won for scariest costume! Landen Jenkins & Leah Harrel won for funniest costume! Congratulations! #rebuildingthefoundation