Railey Mattingly, an 8th grade student at GCMS, has been chosen as the 2020 Area 3 Winner of the Conservation Writing Contest. Railey’s essay was first chosen as the 2020 County Winner prior to advancing to the Area judging. Congratulations on your achievements. Railey!
almost 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Railey Mattingly
GCMS Parents and Friends: Check out the great things happening at GCMS in our March Cougar Connections Newsletter: https://5il.co/qzs9 We're continuing to turn obstacles into opportunities! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS Parents and Friends: Check out the great things happening at GCMS in our Cougar Connections Newsletter: https://5il.co/qzs9 We're continuing to turn obstacles into opportunities! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
The GCMS Cougar Academy is going great! Check out 7th grader Kyle Green working on hand prosthetics as a special project! Students are finding lots of extended learning opportunities! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Every safe, successful structure for students has tons of behind-the-scenes effort from staff. Here's a great example! Big shout-out to our GCMS custodians! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS had a great week back to full in-person learning! Very proud of our staff and students! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
GCMS Parents: Check out the information in the graphic about our expanded Summer Enrichment Opportunities through our ELEVATE program! (8:00-1:30 each day) #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
The decision-making part of the brain continues to develop into early adulthood. Help your teen learn from poor decisions by asking questions like “What went well, and what didn’t go so well?” or “What might you do differently next time?” #GCMSOpportunity
almost 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Stress the importance of doing math homework the same day it’s assigned. The information will be fresher in your teen’s mind, which should make studying easier. And your child will know right away if additional help from the teacher is needed. #GCMSOpportunity
almost 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Cougar Academy students learning about equalized pressure (with eggs)and the culture of Guatemala! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
almost 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Over a year later it was great to see everyone in person here at GCMS. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q62054MB8GwE4llydeiotXtALNlzZgfK/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, GCMS
Teens who read a lot have an advantage. They tend to read faster and understand more of what they read—and they often write better, too. Encourage yours to read frequently, even if it’s not traditional novels. A coding manual, or role-playing game book counts, too.
almost 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
New teachers & their mentors attended professional development activities yesterday after school. Mrs. Frank's session was on classroom management & Mr. Parker's was on powerful task design. Learning never stops at GCMS! #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
New teacher meeting
New teacher meeting
New teacher meeting
New teacher meeting
GCMS Parents, please check out this video https://youtu.be/1k8UlG6ze_I for more information about welcoming all in-person students on Monday. If you prefer, here is the slide deck: https://5il.co/qqj1 Looking forward to Monday! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker
The environment … funding for school sports …what is your teen passionate about? Suggest writing to a lawmaker to argue for change. Contact information is available at usa.gov/elected-officials. Encourage your child to share any response that comes back. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Saturday is the first day of spring! Day and night are equal in length, and the Northern Hemisphere will begin tilting more toward the sun. Have your child research what happens on the first days of the other seasons, too, and share the information at dinner. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
GCMS is very proud of our Archery Team who competed at the State Level last Friday! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Flexibility is a skill that employers appreciate. Encourage your teen to practice it when plans change unexpectedly. For example, if a friend cancels a FaceTime hangout, you might reach out to another friend, or use the extra time to exercise or study. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Teens are spending more time than ever in front of screens, and that can lead to eyestrain. Experts recommend the 20-20-20 plan to help: Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen for 20 seconds and look at something at least 20 feet away. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day