Flexibility is a skill that employers appreciate. Encourage your teen to practice it when plans change unexpectedly. For example, if a friend cancels a FaceTime hangout, you might reach out to another friend, or use the extra time to exercise or study. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Teens are spending more time than ever in front of screens, and that can lead to eyestrain. Experts recommend the 20-20-20 plan to help: Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen for 20 seconds and look at something at least 20 feet away. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Recently, Team 2 8th Grader Bailey Yaden qualified for the National Beta Convention by earning 5th place in Poetry at the State Convention! Way to go, Bailey! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Digital storytelling software offers a fun way to practice making presentations. Suggest that your child look for a program that lets users mix words, images, and sounds. Your teen could create a story for a sibling or build a family history presentation for a reunion.
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Best of luck to the GCMS Archery Team tomorrow at the 2021 KY NASP state tournament in Louisville! We are all so proud of you! #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
GCMS Archery Team
Needing to change from virtual to in-person for the 4th quarter? That deadline is THIS FRIDAY at Noon! We need to know by Friday to make sure we can create structures for the safest experience for students. See graphic for more info! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker
Careless mistakes can cost points on assignments and tests. Remind your teens to take time to do their best work. They should complete work neatly, proofread it carefully, and cite sources properly before turning it in. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
6th-grade students in Mr. Lockett's social studies classes were exploring documents to justify whether Alexander the Great was a hero or villain today. They are gathering evidence for their argumentative writing piece along with a memory or most wanted poster. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
When brainstorming, remind your teen to write down all ideas rather than dismissing ones that seem silly. (Example: Doing a report as a restaurant menu.) Stopping to evaluate ideas can stifle creative thinking—and a great idea may be moments away. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Ms. Selena Walker's career choices class learned a lot this past week from our Virtual Transition Day. 8th-grade students interacted with a HyperDoc choice board to learn about the 16 career pathways they could register for as a freshman. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
Test anxiety can have a negative impact on your teen’s scores. Feeling prepared can help. Suggest that your teen make a study schedule and stick to it. Then, when test day comes, your child can repeat positive messages like “I’ve got this!”
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Congratulations Grant Geary for being awarded the GCMS "Be the Good" Team Player & receiving crazy socks! Way to go Grant! #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Grant Geary
8th-grade students in Mrs. Ashley Johnson's career choices class explored a HyperDoc choice board for Virtual Transition Day 2021 at GCMS. While it's not the same as our annual in-person event, GCHS & our community still stepped up to the challenge for our kids! #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
Virtual Transition Day
GCS will welcome back all in-person students for a full, five-day week beginning March 22. Students who wish to remain on or transfer to the virtual option may do so. Full message from Supt. Robinson: http://bit.ly/UpdateGCS030421
about 4 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Email scams can lead to identity theft. Teach your teen to look for signs of “phishing” emails, including spelling and grammar mistakes, an email address that doesn’t match the company name, and requests for personal information like a bank account number.
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
tip of the day
Railey Mattingly, an 8th-grade student at GCMS, has been selected as the county winner of the 2020 Conservation Writing Contest. A total of 15 essays were written and 10 posters were designed county wide. Congratulations Railey! #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
Railey Mattingly
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
WKU summer gifted program
Contact Terri Haycraft at terri.haycraft@grayson.kyschools.us for more info. #GCMSOpportunity
about 4 years ago, Tracie Johnston
WKU summer gifted program
8th Grade Volleyball with another straight set win over the Lady Eagles! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker
7th Grade Volleyball with decisive straight set victory over Ohio County MS! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
about 4 years ago, Gary Parker